Housing Summit 2024: Program


Presentations from the Summit: 

Taking Stock of BC’s Affordable Housing Needs:

Don Elliot, Capital Region Housing Corporation 
Janice Morrison, Nelson
Katie Maslechko, Rental Protection Fund
Lisa Helps, BC Builds

Bill 44 SSMUH: Large Urban Breakout

Doug Gilchrist, Kelowna, Infill housing

Population Growth and Housing

Brett Wilmer, BC Stats
Heather McNell, Metro Vancouver RD
Braden Batch, CMCH

Recent Housing Legislation and the Law

Don Lidstone, Lidstone & Company
Peter Johnson, Stewart McDannold Stuart

Transforming the Planning Framework with Limited Capacity

Planning Institute of BC

Local Government Delegate survey results

 Tuesday, February 13
7:30‑8:30 AMContinental Breakfast & Registration
8:30‑8:45 AM

Welcome and Introductions — Salon A
Councillor Trish Mandewo, UBCM President 

8:45‑10:15 AM

Housing the Next Million British Columbians — Salon A
A panel of local elected officials will discuss how their respective communities will accommodate the current and anticipated population growth in light of recent provincial housing legislation. It will reflect on the challenges ahead, the implications of the housing legislation, and steps going forward. 
Leonard Krog, Mayor, City of Nanaimo
Mike Hurley, Mayor, City of Burnaby
Nathan Pachal, Mayor, City of Langley
Janice Morrison, Mayor, City of Nelson
Marianne Alto, Mayor, City of Victoria
Malcolm Brodie, Mayor, City of Richmond

10:15‑10:30 AMCoffee Break
10:30-12:00 PMBill 44: Small Scale Multi-Unit Housing and Proactive Planning
This session provides an in-depth discussion on the impacts of Bill 44 for communities of different sizes in two streams. Local government staff will discuss what steps are required to comply with the new rules and the deadlines for revising Housing Needs Reports, Official Community Plans and Zoning Bylaws; and the impact of the legislation on current missing-middle initiatives, local planning projects, and infrastructure needs.

Small & mid-sized stream presenters: 
Meeri Durand, Manager, Planning, Development & Sustainability, City of Castlegar
Randy Houle, Director, Development Services, Town of Oliver
Brittany Nichols, Manager, Planning and Development Services, RD of Central Okanagan
Troy Pollock, Manager, Planning Services, City of Kimberley
Alana Mullaly, GM, Planning and Development Services, Comox Valley RD

Salon D

Large urban stream presenters: 
Doug Gilchrist, CAO, City of Kelowna
Ross Soward, Manager, Housing, City of Victoria
Lauren Klose, Manager, Community Planning, City of Victoria
Andrew Merrill, General Manager Planning & Development, City of Coquitlam
Jonathan Cote, Deputy General Manager, Regional Planning and Housing Development, Metro Vancouver RD

Salon A
12:00-1:00 PMLunch
1:00-1:30 PM

A Conversation with Housing Minister Ravi Kahlon — Salon A
Minister Kahlon will discuss the changes his ministry has introduced with the aim of increasing BC's housing supply in a question-and-answer period moderated by UBCM President Trish Mandewo.

1:30-3:00 PM

Taking Stock of BC’s Affordable Housing Needs — Salon A
Consideration of the scope and role of government in housing, including an overview of new initiatives such as BC Builds and the Rental Protection Fund.
Lisa Helps, Executive Lead BC Builds Project Origination, BC Housing
Katie Maslechko, CEO, Rental Protection Fund
Don Elliott, Senior Manager, Capital Region Housing Corporation
Janice Morrison, Mayor, City of Nelson

3:00-3:15 PMCoffee Break

Breakout 1: Homeless Encampments and Bill 45 — Salon A
This session will explore local government concerns with Bill 45, and discuss the supports needed from other orders of government to address homeless encampments. Bill 45 will affect local governments’ ability to seek a court injunction to remove or regulate homeless encampments. After strong feedback from stakeholders, the Province delayed implementation until there is more common understanding of the bill.
Jeff Locke, Legal Counsel, Stewart McDannold Stuart
Cori Ramsay, Councillor, City of Prince George
Tom Dyas, Mayor, City of Kelowna
Ken Popove, Mayor, City of Chilliwack
Michelle Staples, Mayor, City of Duncan


Breakout 2: Exploring the New Regulatory Framework for Short-Term Rentals — Salon D
An exploration of what the new regulatory framework set in place by the Short-Term Rental Accommodations Act means for local governments. Examining issues such as the Provincial principal residence requirement, potential approaches to data sharing and enforcement, and steps going forward.
Sarah Kirby-Yung, Councillor, City of Vancouver
Doug O’Brien, Mayor, City of Parksville
Julius Bloomfield, Mayor, City of Penticton

 Wednesday, February 14
7:30‑8:30 AMContinental Breakfast & Registration
8:30-9:30 AM

Population Growth and Housing — Salon A
British Columbia anticipates an unprecedented level of growth over the coming years, with close to 1 million new residents arriving over the next eight years. Given the already highly pressurized housing system in BC, accommodating growth will require an enormous output of market and non-market housing. This session will dig into the data and projections of the recent report Sustaining Growth by BC Stats, and explore the implications of this growth for housing development in BC’s communities.
Brett Wilmer, Director, Provincial Statistics, BC Data Service
Braden Batch, Lead Economist, BC, Canada Mortgage and Housing
Andy Yan, Director, SFU Cities Program
Heather McNell, Deputy CAO, Policy and Planning, Metro Vancouver RD

9:30-11:00 AM

Development Finance & Housing — Salon A
Bill 46: Housing Statutes (Development Financing) Amendment Act provides a new regime for development finance in British Columbia. To better understand the legislation and its implications for financing community development, a panel of local government leaders will explore how the new framework will shape development in their communities, and share their thoughts on the legislation’s potential to fund sustainable growth, and on where we go from here.
Johannes Schumann, Director, Neighbourhood Planning and Urban Design, City of Burnaby
Lisa Spitale, CAO, City of New Westminster
Templar Tsang-Trinaistich, Issues Manager, Planning, Urban Design and Sustainability, City of Vancouver
Michael Epp, Director, Housing & Planning Development, Metro Vancouver RD
Lesley Scowcroft, Director, Planning and Land Use Policy, Ministry of Housing

11-11:15 AMCoffee Break
11:15-12:30 PM

Recent Housing Legislation and the Law — Salon A
A panel of three lawyers, whose practices focus on local governments, will zero in on the requirements for local governments created by Bills 44, 46, and 47, touching on topics such as interpretation of the Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing policy manual, public notification and hearing requirements, and more. Brief presentations followed by Q&A. 
Don Lidstone, K.C., Managing Partner, Lidstone & Company
Peter Johnson, Stewart McDannold Stuart
Guy Patterson, Young Anderson

12:30-1:30 PMLunch

Breakout 1: Transit-Oriented Development Under Bill 47 — Salon D
Examination of what Bill 47 means for municipalities and regional districts, including what the changes mean for development finance, the delivery of affordable housing, alignment with regional growth strategies, parking and other critical implementation considerations.
Brad West, Mayor, City of Port Coquitlam
Don Luymes, General Manager, Planning and Development, City of Surrey
Emily Sinclair, Senior Manager, Regional and Strategic Planning, Capital Regional District


Breakout 2: Transforming the Planning Framework with Limited Capacity — Salon A
Now that the provincial government has embarked on a suite of housing changes, what are the capacity implications for smaller, rural, and remote communities? It will be particularly confounding for communities that maintain a low staff complement. One-time provincial grant funding is being allocated to support local governments to meet the new legislated requirements—but what is the reality on the ground? What are some of the biggest concerns, and what might local governments do to address these concerns?
Paul Gipps, CAO, District of Lake Country
Ashley Murphey, General Manager of Development Services, Peace River Regional District
Emilie Adin, President, Planning Institute of BC

2:30-3:15 PM

A Conversation with Federal Housing Minister Sean Fraser — Salon A
Minister Fraser will give an address in person to local governments, and take questions from local elected officials. The afternoon session will provide a federal voice to the multi-government challenges surrounding BC’s housing crisis.

3:15-3:30 PM

Local Government Summit Survey Results and Next Steps — Salon A
Councillor Trish Mandewo, UBCM President