Small Water Systems - Financial Best Management Practices

The UBCM Small Water Systems Working Group has developed guidelines for financial best management practices of small water systems.

Overview &
Financial Best Management Practices for Small Community Water Systems in British Columbia [PDF - 739 KB]
BMP ABMP: A Basic Asset Inventory [PDF - 458 KB]
Worksheet: A1 Asset Inventory [XLSX - 20 KB]
BMP BBMP: B Asset Management Plan [PDF - 351 KB]
Worksheet: B1 Asset Management [XLSX - 53 KB]
BMP CBMP: C Five-year Operating Plan [PDF - 373 KB]
Worksheet: C1 Five-year Operating Plan [XLSX - 33 KB]
Worksheet: C2 Five-year Operating Costs [XLSX - 53 KB]
BMP DBMP: D Long-term Financial Plan [PDF - 412 KB]
Worksheet: D1 Long-term Financial Plan [XLSX - 37 KB]
BMP EBMP: E Sustainable Rates & Charges [PDF - 328 KB]
Worksheet: E1 Forecast [XLSX - 26 KB]
Worksheet: E2 Projected Cash Flow Statements [XLSX - 15 KB]
BMP FBMP: F Communications Planning [PDF - 382 KB]
Worksheet: F1 Stakeholders [XLSX - 20 KB]

The guidelines, BMPs and accompanying worksheets are also available on the WaterBC website.

About the Guidelines

These guidelines are comprised of a suite of resources. The most general is an overview and introduction on financial best management practices in the context of small water systems. This is supported by six individual best management practices documents (BMPs), each focusing on a specific aspect of the financial management of small water systems. Each BMP, in turn, has one or more associated worksheets that organizations can use to work towards achieving best practices in that particular aspect of small water systems financial management.

The guidelines will be most useful when downloaded and used as a full suite of resources. For the sake of clarity, however, the UBCM Small Water Systems Working Group has made the individual documents available.


Jared Wright
Director of Advocacy & Government Relations
250 387 0891