Governance and Structure

Staff Contacts

The Canada Community-Building Fund is administered by UBCM staff at our Victoria office. Staff manage the day to day operations including ensuring that the funding is delivered and used in accordance with the Agreement, supporting governance committees, and providing communication support and public outreach.

StaffPositionEmailPhone Number
PIMS Support 
General Inquiries 250-356-5134
Brant FelkerManagerbfelker@ubcm.ca250-356-0893
Paul TaylorDirector of Communicationsptaylor@ubcm.ca604-270-8226, ext. 205
Toby SimpsonProgram Officertsimpson@ubcm.ca250-356-0876
Bryan SteerProgram Officerbsteer@ubcm.ca250-356-0930
Zoë Ducklow Communications Officerzducklow@ubcm.ca604-270-8226, ext. 222

The Canada Community-Building Fund Agreement sets up two governance committees: Oversight and Management, to which specific responsibilities are assigned.

Oversight Committee

The Oversight Committee is responsible for monitoring the strategic implementation of the Agreement, and will serve as the principal forum to address and resolve issues arising from the implementation of this Agreement. View the Partnership Committee Terms of Reference for further information.

All correspondence addressed to the Oversight Committee can be sent to the following address:
 Attention: Oversight Committee
 c/o Union of BC Municipalities
 525 Government Street
 Victoria, BC  V8V 0A8