External Committees & UBCM Working Groups

This page lists UBCM's active engagement with external committees, and UBCM working groups related to community safety.


UBCM appoints local government elected officials and senior staff members to provide local government perspectives on issues that significantly impact local governments. The appointees provide updates to the UBCM Executive and its working committees. Often, the UBCM appointee(s) to an external committee or UBCM working group will be called on to collaborate with representatives from a wide range of sectors, including other orders of government, Crown corporations, the business community, or non-profit organizations.

Current Vacancies

Local Government Working Group on Liquor Policy
UBCM continues to seek new local government staff members for its Working Group on Liquor Policy. The Working Group was established following the 2014 liquor policy review, as part of a provincial commitment to work with local governments in the development of liquor policy. It also provides a forum to address local government concerns and feedback on relevant issues.

Interested individuals imay contact Bhar Sihota, UBCM Senior Policy Analyst.

Active Appointments


Bhar Sihota
Senior Policy Analyst
(604) 270-8226 ext. 114