Remember when we said “normal” without the “new” preamble? And who would have thought that we would yearn for those simple times? We all agree that the playbook is gone. But here’s the good news—we’ve got this. Even before 2020 picked up the world and shook it, local governments were adaptive and nimble. We are a responsive order of government, capable of pivoting to face a future filled with unique obstacles and unmatched opportunities.
These attributes will serve us well in this next phase, as we juggle economic recovery and reopening with the ongoing work of local government. And of course, the pressing issues that ran parallel to this pandemic—climate, infrastructure, housing— remain priorities. The work ahead is multi-faceted and will require considerable balance. Luckily, we’ve become masters of balance. Grocery orders between Zoom calls, reviewing reports and homeschool assignments, connecting with our communities and managing spotty wi-fi. We have built our multi-task toolkit and are ready for the work ahead.
Like all things, Convention will look different this year. But the work and intent of Convention remains unchanged. We will generate dialogue about the hurdles we face. We will reconnect to pursue priorities and build policy. We will hear from leaders and innovators. All of the learnings, none of the buffet line-ups.
Join us as we build momentum to overcome obstacles and uncover the opportunities ahead.