
The housing crisis is urgent and demands substantive actions. Local governments across the province are taking concrete steps to address the crisis and are looking for meaningful, focused partnerships with the provincial and federal governments.

UBCM is committed to working with the Province to address the housing crisis and to work to support effective implementation of their housing plan Homes for People, while recognizing local government capacity and fiscal constraints and the need for flexibility to address local circumstances. UBCM will continue to seek opportunities for local government input, feedback and engagement as the Province implements their plan.

Recent UBCM Engagement and Analyses of Provincial Policy


Provincial Policy Updates The Province’s 2023 housing plan, Homes for People, is an ambitious plan with wide-ranging elements that will have significant implications for local governments across B.C. Initiatives include: actions to promote densification and expedite planning…
In April 2023, UBCM hosted a one-time event with the aim of bringing together innovators from local government, industry, the not-for-profit, and Indigenous housing sectors to identify solutions for improving housing affordability and attainability across our province.
In August 2016, UBCM established a Special Committee on Housing to identify ways to make housing more affordable for people who live, work and contribute to BC’s communities. The Committee considered potential federal and provincial actions and supports, in addition to…