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Local governments may be aware that as of September 1, 2019, the Insurance Corporation of BC (ICBC) moved to a more driver-based model for vehicle insurance. This means that an individual’s driving experience and crash history will play a bigger role in determining the cost of…
Over the past year, the Working Group on Responsible Conduct (WGRC) has explored ways in which the responsible conduct of local elected officials might be strengthened through potential legislative changes and new educational tools. This communique provides an update on the WGRC…
The Electoral Area Directors’ (EAD) Forum will be held on February 4 and 5, 2020 at the Radisson Vancouver Airport Hotel in Richmond, BC. The Forum will begin at 12 noon on February 4th, and end at 12 noon on February 5th. The Electoral Area Directors' Forum focuses on issues of…
The Province intends [PDF - 990 KB] to introduce amendments to the Traffic Fine Revenue Sharing Agreement (TFRSA) consistent with recommendations made by UBCM. Changes are expected to generate additional net income for local governments, while allowing the Province to recover…
Local governments are encouraged to support the BC Rent Bank – a provincially funded program administered by the Vancity Community Foundation. The BC Rent Bank provides support to the existing rent banks in BC in order to expand the services they deliver. A rent bank is a…
The Farm Industry Review Board has received multiple complaints against a cannabis operation located in the Township of Langley. While the Township has been identified as an interested party, and may apply for intervener status, other local governments are also welcome to attend…
Communities are invited to apply for the Physical Literacy for Communities funding program. This is a unique opportunity to receive funding and project leadership to assist in developing a more physically active community using a physical literacy approach. Applications are due…
The Commercial Vehicle Licensing (CVL) program will end as of December 31, 2019. This program was established by the provincial government in 1906 to provide a source of revenue for municipalities to offset the costs related to the use of local roads by commercial vehicles. UBCM…
The UBCM Executive held its first, quarterly board meeting on November 21-22, 2019. The Executive’s sub-committees also met to set priorities and work plans for the coming year. Executive members adopted goals and priorities, and received delegations from the Minister of…
The Province has updated the B.C. Building Code to enable construction of 12-storey wood buildings and to allow secondary suites in side-by-side multi-family buildings. The Building Code updates also include additional safety requirements and new Energy Step Code requirements. …