President & Executive

Executive Meeting Dates

Nominations for the 2024-2025 Executive

2023-2024 Executive

UBCM's Executive Board members 2023-2024

From left to right, top to bottom: 
Back row: Councillor Wes Graham; Mayor Sarrah Storey; Councillor Sean Wood; Councillor Gord Klassen
Second from top: Councillor Jenna Stoner; Councillor Keith Page; (former Executive member Councillor Michael Moses); Director Jerrilyn Kirk
Third from top: Councillor Craig Hodge; Director Art Kaehn; Director Penny Cote; Councillor Pete Fry
Fourth from top: Councillor Patricia Ross; Councillor Trish Mandewo; Councillor Sarah Kirby-Yung
Front row: Mayor Nicole MacDonald; Councillor Sheila Boehm; Councillor Cori Ramsay; (former Executive member, Councillor Jen Ford); Councillor Aimee Grice; (Councillor Sarah Fowler, on leave)

City of Coquitlam

Trish Mandewo was elected to the Coquitlam City Council in 2018 and is currently serving her second term.  She has an extensive background in policy and governance, coupled with a solid track record of effective leadership.  She ardently supports initiatives aimed at…
First Vice-President
Regional District of Fraser-Fort George
Second Vice-President
City of Cranbrook
Third Vice-President
District of Squamish
Metro Vancouver/GVRD Representative
City of Coquitlam
Vancouver Representative
City of Vancouver
Electoral Area Representative
Regional District of Fraser-Fort George
Vancouver Metro Area Representative
City of Vancouver
Vancouver Metro Area Representative
City of Pitt Meadows
AKBLG Representative
City of Nelson