New Poverty Reduction intake announced

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A new intake for the Poverty Reduction Planning and Action program has been announced by the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction. The new intake deadline is March 5, 2021.

The intent of the Poverty Reduction Planning & Action program continues to be supporting local governments in reducing poverty at the local level and supporting the Province’s poverty reduction strategy, TogetherBC. Originally announced at the 2019 UBCM Convention, the Province provided $5 million over three years. In Spring of 2020, the first intake of the program awarded over $1 million to more than 50 local governments across BC.

This program has two funding streams:  one to support the development or updating of plans that address poverty, and another that funds poverty reduction projects. Applications to both streams must support new initiatives and involve key sectors of the community, including community-based poverty reduction organizations, people with lived experience of poverty, businesses, and local First Nations and/or Indigenous organizations.

Poverty reduction planning is eligible for up to $25,000, and poverty reduction projects are eligible for up to $50,000. Further program details can be found on UBCM’s website.