Emergency Resolution on RCMP Contract Negotiations

UBCM Executive

WHEREAS the current state of the RCMP contract negotiations has been the subject of much discussion at the 2011 UBCM Convention, with every BC local government as well as the other provinces and territories having a significant stake in these negotiations; AND WHEREAS it is the desire of those BC local governments, presently contracting RCMP services, to retain the RCMP as their police of choice: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM request that the Government of Canada, in the spirit of partnership and collaboration, return to the table with the Government of British Columbia and the remaining provinces and territories to negotiate the settlement of a new RCMP contract that addresses the outstanding issues of a new partnership, cost containment and accountability.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety Solicitor General For four years the provincial government worked hard to negotiate a new contract for RCMP services that meets the needs of British Columbia communities into the future. The negotiations were based on three common goals: Changing the relationship from client-based to true partnership; Expanding operational and financial accountability; Cost-containment and cost control. On November 30, 2011, the Province confirmed it has reached an Agreement-in-Principle with Public Safety Canada for RCMP services in British Columbia. The tentative agreement contains important new management provisions and includes a two-year opt-out clause and a five-year review. The Province is in the midst of consulting local governments on the terms of the new agreement after which it will proceed to Cabinet for consideration. The current agreement expires on March 31, 2012.

Federal Response

Public Safety Canada The costs to deliver contract policing services are shared between the federal government and contract jurisdictions given the mutual benefits derived from this national policing model. On November 30, 2011, following four years of negotiations, an agreement in principle for contracted RCMP services beginning April 1, 2012, was reached with contract jurisdictions. The agreement modernizes the relationship and addresses the key issues raised by contract policing jurisdictions, a it provides for a fair and equitable sharing of costs, a strengthened approach to governance, a much more collaborative planning process and clearer accountability mechanisms.

Convention Decision