Resolutions process for 2020 convention

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With the 2020 UBCM Convention moving to a virtual format, UBCM has adapted this year’s resolutions process. The following outlines important resolutions information for 2020.

The UBCM Executive is pleased to be able to hold a virtual resolutions session during the 2020 Convention. The session will be three hours long, and will feature the consideration of some individual resolutions and some Blocks of resolutions. In 2020, UBCM will put forward the following for member consideration:

  • Approximately 10 Special Resolutions (SR) that are sponsored by the UBCM Executive will be brought forward for individual consideration. These will reflect timely and important issues for our membership.
  • One Block of all resolutions recommended to be Endorsed;
  • One Block of all resolutions recommended to be Not Endorsed;
    • All resolutions in a Block are considered together, with one vote.
    • In advance of Convention, members who wish to pull resolutions from either of the two Blocks for individual consideration, will need to follow the following steps:
      • Endorse a motion at a Council or Board meeting requesting removal from the Block;
      • Send the motion, along with the reasons for wanting to pull a resolution from a Block, to the UBCM Executive by noon on Friday, September 11;
      • Executive will decide which requests are approved;
      • Executive approval to pull a resolution will result in an amended Block being presented at Convention; and
      • •Any amendments will be announced during the Resolutions session.
    • Resolutions pulled from a Block for individual consideration will be Referred to Executive, and not considered during Convention.
  • Refer all No Recommendation resolutions to Executive for consideration following Convention, as per past practice. However, the Resolutions Committee will make every effort to try and provide a recommendation of Endorse or Not Endorse to limit the number of No Recommendation resolutions.
  • Refer all Late Resolutions (those received after June 30th submission deadline) to Executive for consideration following Convention.
  • •Off-The-Floor Resolutions will not be permitted.

The Ministerial Order received from the Province on May 22 provides UBCM with the authority to establish new rules and processes to accommodate holding a virtual Convention in 2020. That authority extends to resolutions.

In recent Convention evaluations many members expressed a desire to see changes to the resolutions process. The Resolutions Committee believes that this virtual environment is an opportunity to test some of those ideas. The Committee looks forward to receiving member feedback following the 2020 Convention to gauge what members thought worked and what didn’t. Member feedback will help to shape future discussions around how to improve the UBCM resolutions process.

As we finalize the details of our virtual Convention, we will share more information about how the virtual resolutions session will work. Details about how to speak for or against a resolution and about how to vote will be shared in future articles over the summer.

If you have any questions about Resolutions in 2020, please contact Jamee Justason, Resolutions & Policy Analyst.