Forest Policy engagement announced

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Local government input is being sought as the Province moves forward with forest policy changes as outlined in the Modernizing Forest Policy in BC Intentions Paper.  The upcoming fall sessions are part two of three phases of engagement. The first phase was held over the summer, including a forestry workshop at the 2021 UBCM Convention.

Invite letters for phase two engagement have been sent to all local governments with details on how to register for one of nine regional webinars held between November 1-8.  These sessions have been designed for mayors and councillors, regional district chairs, electoral area directors, and senior level local government staff.

The topics for the November sessions will include:

  • Minimizing slash burning
  • Re‐integrating prescribed and cultural fire into land management
  • Harmonizing area‐based tenure pricing
  • Strengthening compliance and enforcement (in forestry)
  • Revising BC Timber Sales’ 3‐sale maximum policy, and
  • Creating a fibre access program for value‐added wood manufacturers

If you would like further information about the November sessions, or if you did not receive a link to register, please contact the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations.