Attracting international workers to rural communities

Publishing Date

The Immigration Programs Branch in the Ministry of Municipal Affairs is hosting a virtual information session for rural communities about attracting and retaining international workers. 

The BC Provincial Nominee Program allows the province to nominate international workers, entrepreneurs, and their families for permanent residency. The Immigration Programs Branch has been collaborating with more than 50 communities with a population of less than 75,000 since 2019 to attract entrepreneurs to smaller communities.

They are now expanding the collaboration to include more communities. Economic development staff working with or for local governments. First Nations, or other economic or community development organizations (e.g., Regional Trusts, Chambers of Commerce, Community Futures, etc.) are invited to the information session to learn more.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023, 10 am – 12 pm (PST)

To RSVP, email by Monday, October 2, 2023. A Microsoft Teams invite will follow.