Treaty Advisory Committee Funding

Sunshine Coast RD

WHEREAS the 2008 Memorandum of Understanding between UBCM and the Province of British Columbia included New Relationship matters within the mandate of the Treaty Advisory Committee, in addition to treaty negotiations; AND WHEREAS there is no formal pathway within the context of New Relationship funding which includes the interests of local governments; AND WHEREAS the information gained from these advisory committees is invaluable for negotiations with First Nations thereby benefitting all parties: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM urge the Ministry of Aboriginal Relations Reconciliation to provide adequate core funding to Treaty Advisory Committees and related organizations.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Aboriginal Relations Reconciliation The Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliations vision is to build positive and enduring relationships with First Nations and Aboriginal people in British Columbia through treaties and other lasting agreements. The Ministry recognizes that respectful relationships between local governments and First Nations are necessary in order to effectively plan and work together on matters of mutual interest. While core provincial funding for treaty advisory committees is not available at this time, the Ministry is committed to ongoing communication with local governments and will consider other opportunities to support local governments as valued advisors of provincial treaty negotiation teams.

Convention Decision