Olympic Truce Preparations - 2006 Olympic Games


WHEREAS the tradition of an Olympic Truce during Olympic Games dates back to the 9th Century BC to enable citizens and athletes to travel and compete during the Games period under the protection of the truce; AND WHEREAS the International Olympic Committee has revived this concept in an effort to contribute to the search for peace and the diplomatic solution of conflicts; AND WHEREAS truce initiatives at recent Games have allowed the participation of athletes from ex-Yugoslavia and resulted in a global appeal to avoid the bombing of Iraq; AND WHEREAS Vancouver, as an Olympic city and a city committed to peace will be deeply involved in the development of the Olympic truce activities in 2010; AND WHEREAS the City of Torino, which will host the 2006 Olympic Winter Games and Winter Paralympic Games, is undertaking an unprecedented city-based Olympic Truce initiative this September, which will involve 100 mayors from four continents signing a joint appeal for the 2006 Olympic truce: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Union of British Columbia Municipalities endorse the City of Torinos Olympic Truce plans and encourage their member municipalities to participate in the signing ceremony.

Other Response

FEDERATION OF CANADIAN MUNICIPALITIES This resolution was discussed by the FCM Executive Committee in May 2005. It was presented as an emergent resolution MISC05.2.02 at the 2005 Annual Conference and was adopted as a Category A resolution.

Convention Decision