Location of Retail Liquor Sales Outlets

LMMA Executive

BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities request that the provincial government change its regulation to require local government input into the location of retail liquor sales outlets.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL As the approval process for licensee retail store LRS applications is specific to zoning and land use, a change to the regulations is seen as unnecessary. The province will not approve an LRS application if it fails to meet local zoning bylaws. The Local Government Act gives municipalities the authority to limit the number, location, square footage and hours of operation of LRSs through local bylaws. Unlike bars, nightclubs and pubs, LRSs are seen to have a low impact on the community as there is no on-site consumption of liquor or public participation activities such as dancing. While the regulatory framework and the overall direction for liquor policy in British Columbia falls within provincial jurisdiction, local governments and First Nations now have significant input into all new liquor licences as well as changes to hours, capacity and patios.

Convention Decision