Extraordinary Resolution to Amend the UBCM Bylaws

UBCM Executive

Whereas the UBCM Executive approved a review of the organizations governance documents in its 2021 workplan, endeavouring to: - identify errors, inconsistencies, and incompatibilities within the UBCM Act, Bylaws, Executive Policies and Conference Rules and Procedures; and - ensure that the above referenced governance documents are current, inclusive, clear, and compatible within the organizations tiered structure of governance; And whereas recent challenges related to the pandemic have highlighted a need for flexible governance provisions that adapt to external circumstances and evolving technology use; And whereas the Union Bylaws require that amendments to the Union Bylaws may only be made pursuant to Extraordinary Resolution duly adopted by the Union: Therefore be it resolved that the current UBCM Bylaws 2020 be amended by replacing those sections in the column marked current in Appendix A with those sections appearing in the column marked proposed, in order to ensure that they are current, inclusive, clear and compatible with UBCMs tiered structure of governance.

Convention Decision