Cost Recovery for Fire Departments Search Rescue Units


WHEREAS local government fire departments are called upon to respond to motor vehicle incidents for the purpose of using specialized equipment to extricate occupants of damaged vehicles and provide scene safety and patient care; AND WHEREAS local government fire departments are currently not being reimbursed by insurance companies for the costs of providing this critical service; AND WHEREAS local government fire departments are responding outside their boundaries to provide road rescue service and vehicle fire extinguishment: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities petition the provincial government to amend Provincial Emergency Program regulations allowing for full cost recovery for fire departments and Search and Rescue units who provide Motor Vehicle Incident response, extrication and vehicle fire extinguishment, outside their local government boundaries.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL Members representing local government fire departments interests are playing a key part in the inter-agency Road Incident Response Working Group, which has been assessing a broad set of issues related to providing an effective and coordinated response to road incidents. The working group members have clearly agreed to address strategic issues beginning with clarifying roles and responsibilities, which will shape subsequent discussions on funding responsibilities, mechanisms and rates that are fair and equitable.

Convention Decision