Audible Bird Scare Devices


WHEREAS audible bird scare devices ABSDs, also known as propane cannons, are used in many agricultural areas of British Columbia and the provincial government, although responsible for regulating farming practices, has not regulated ABSDs but has only provided guidelines for their use; AND WHEREAS the use of ABSDs results in chronic noise disturbance to area residents, even when the guidelines are followed, and should not be considered an acceptable farming practice: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities urge the provincial government to phase out the use of audible bird scare devices over the next three years.

Convention Decision
Referred to UBCM Executive
Executive Decision
Staff to prepare a report, with recommendations, for consideration at a future Executive meeting.
Committee Decision
That UBCM call upon the Province to develop alternative programs to deal with bird nuisances as soon as possible.