Streetlight conversion to LEDs

Publishing Date

In late 2020, BC Hydro made application to the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) to amend the rate schedule to allow for the installation of LED street lighting.  UBCM members have advised there will be significant costs to municipalities with the transition to LEDs as a result.

In addition to expressing concerns about costs, members have asked UBCM to register as an intervener to the proceedings. However, since UBCM is a member of the Commercial Energy Consumers Association (CEC), which represents the interests of commercial ratepayers, such as local governments, UBCM has not sought intervener status. Instead, UBCM is sharing member concerns with CEC staff to ensure they are brought forward as part of the BCUC proceedings. UBCM encourages members to share their feedback - including costs, other impacts, or suggested alternative approaches - so that this information can be shared with CEC to inform their arguments.

UBCM has shared member concerns with the CEC, as well as current policy, resolution 2019-B33 that urged “the Province to require BC Hydro to expeditiously replace all streetlights within BC municipalities with LED technology, or provide municipalities with the financial resources necessary to continue paying for the operation of its inefficient streetlights.”

While the membership has supported the transition to LEDs, based on member feedback to date, the costs associated with that transition, as currently proposed, are not acceptable to local governments.

Members are asked send their feedback to Marie Crawford, GM, UBCM Richmond Operations as soon as possible so we can assist CEC to prepare for the proceedings.