Province, Local Governments Working Together

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Selina Robinson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, spoke with delegates about the many ways the Province and local governments are working together to build resilient communities during her address at Convention today.

“The work that each one of you does every day to build and strengthen your communities is critical to the resilience and the success of every person who lives there,” Robinson said. “When we work in partnership, we can and we will build a stronger, more resilient province together.”

Robinson announced the release of the final report from the Development Approval Process Review. As a next step, the Province will work with local governments, UBCM, developers and others to improve current development approval processes, including providing support to interested local governments undertaking pilot projects. 

The Minister also announced an $150-million funding intake for water and wastewater projects slated to open later this year. Successful applicants were awarded funds from the first intake in August 2019.