Accessibility toolkit and hub

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The Disability Alliance of BC (DABC) has developed an Accessibility Toolkit and Hub to assist prescribed organizations to come into compliance with the Accessible BC Act. DABC is also seeking feedback on the Toolkit, the Hub, implementation progress, and additional tools and resources that are needed. Local government-specific tools will be developed by DABC in the coming months.
The BC Government provided $3 million over three years to Disability Alliance BC (DABC) to support prescribed organizations to come into compliance with the Accessible BC Act.
The Accessibility Hub provides a variety of cross-sectoral resources. The toolkit provides a template to develop an accessibility plan; guidance on identifying barriers, identifying stakeholders and engaging the disability community; how to prioritize actions; disability terminology and language; and how to make a committee accessible. It also includes templates for committee recruitment, membership agreements, and terms of reference, as well as advice on how to implement a public feedback mechanism.
DABC staff are available to help organizations establish accessibility committees, develop accessibility plans, and create public feedback mechanisms. Local government-specific tools will be developed by DABC in the coming months.