New Emergency Management Legislation

UBCM Executive

Whereas the provincial government is in the process of modernizing its emergency management legislation, with many proposed changessuch as new mitigation and recovery dutiesare likely to create financial and resource pressures for local governments; And whereas Emergency Management BC has acknowledged the need to support local governments in responding to these proposed changes, but has yet to outline any specific support mechanisms: Therefore be it resolved that the provincial government, as part of the process to modernize BCs emergency management legislation, implement the following measures: - Develop an ongoing sustainable funding framework for local governments to address emergency management responsibilities; - Confirm adequate provincial support services for local governments to address emergency management capacity issues; and, - Consult with UBCM and local governments in the development of these and other necessary measures to address challenges resulting from new emergency management legislation.

Provincial Response

Minister for Public Safety and Solicitor General Emergency Management BC EMBC has been working closely with the UBCM Flood and Wildfire Advisory Committee since mid-2019 on modernization of the Emergency Program Act EPA. UBCM and several individual local governments provided responses to the October 2019 Discussion Paper on Modernizing BCs Emergency Management Legislation. EMBC recognizes that while UBCM and individual local governments support the need to modernize BCs emergency management legislation, their top concern is sufficient funding and capacity to meet the new obligations that will be created under the new legislation. The Province is committed to addressing these challenges in a measured and thoughtful way that respects the fiscal framework. The Province has committed that the new legislation will be implemented in phases. This is partly to ensure that regulated entities, including local governments, are able to meet the new requirements imposed on them by the new Act. The Province is committed to ongoing engagement with partners and stakeholders, including UBCM and local governments, as the legislative development process continues and throughout implementation.

Convention Decision