ICI Packaging and Paper Products Recycling Regulation Amendment

Sunshine Coast RD

Whereas resolution 2018-B68 Packaging and Printed Paper Recycling Regulation Amendment was previously endorsed by the UBCM membership; And whereas the Province responded it would consider expanding BCs Extended Producer Responsibility EPR programs for future inclusion of Industrial, Commercial and Institutional ICI packaging and paper products as part of their commitment to the Canadian Council of Ministers of Environment Canada-Wide Action Plan for Extended Producer Responsibility; And whereas BCs EPR programs have yet to be expanded to include ICI packaging and paper products which is having a disproportionate impact on remote and rural communities where access to private or commercial services is limited and often unavailable: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the Province to take action on amending the Recycling Regulation to expand BCs Extended Producer Responsibility EPR programs to include product categories for Industrial, Commercial and Institutional packaging and paper products.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy The Province acknowledges that proper management of packaging and paper products PPP from the ICI sector is a challenge for local governments and is working to explore new regulatory or policy approaches to manage these materials. The CleanBC Plastics Action Plan, https:cleanbc.gov.bc.caplastics released in 2019, sought feedback on new policy opportunities and proposed amendments to the Recycling Regulation, including the expansion of EPR programs. The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy the ministry received over 35,000 responses from all sectors of BC including the public, local governments, Indigenous groups and a range of stakeholders. The feedback received highlighted the need to address ICI generated waste and recyclables and is helping to inform the appropriate policy or regulatory responses. The What We Heard report on the plans engagement is available online. On September 12, 2020 the ministry announced new provincial actions on plastics https:news.gov.bc.careleases2020ENV0051-001715 as part of the provincial Plastics Action Plan. This announcement included the expansion of the Recycling Regulation to allow for more single-use items and packaging-like products to be recycled effective January 1, 2023, and the release of a Recycling Regulation Policy Intentions Paper. https:engage.gov.bc.cagovtogetherbcconsultationrecycling-regulation-pol… The IP outlined the proposed amendments to the Recycling Regulation through the priority products identified from the 2019 service gap analysis and the CleanBC Plastics Action Plan, which included PPP beyond residential sources. The ministry received substantive feedback from key partners and stakeholders by the November 20, 2020 submission deadline for the IP. This feedback will be summarized and made publicly available by Spring 2021. This will help to inform and develop proposed priorities as part of a five-year plan for amending the Recycling Regulation.

Convention Decision