Extraordinary Resolution to Amend the UBCM Bylaws to Change the Resolutions Submission Deadline

UBCM Executive

Whereas Section 14a of the Union of British Columbia Municipalities UBCM Bylaws presently sets the submission deadline for resolutions as June 30; And whereas UBCMhas received up to a quarter of its total annual member resolutionswithin one week ofthe submission deadline,making it challenging for the Executiveto adequately review and provide comprehensive comments on all of the resolutions within the current reporting deadlines; And whereas a submission deadline set two weeks earlier to June 15 wouldprovide the Executive with enough additional time to ensure that all resolutions receive adequate review and commentary prior to being distributed to the membership for consideration: Therefore be it resolved that Section 14a of the UBCM Bylaws be amended to read: aAll resolutions for discussion at the Annual Convention the Annual Resolutions shall be forwarded to the Executive Director not later than June 15 and the Executive Director shall arrange for the distribution of the same and forward a copy of all resolutions to be dealt with to the members at least thirty 30 days before the date of the Annual Convention.

Convention Decision