Absence of Director Due to Illness

Kootenay Boundary RD

WHEREAS the role of an Electoral Area Director in electoral area and regional district decision-making is absolutely vital; AND WHEREAS the current legislation is severely lacking when the absence of the director is due to illness or injury: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM petition the Province of British Columbia to provide clearer legislation that establishes respectful, reasonable and responsible guidance as to how Electoral Area Directors and regional districts are to manage extended absences by Electoral Area Directors due to illness or injury.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community, Sport Cultural Alternate Electoral Area Directors are appointed by Electoral Area Directors to act in place of a director during the Directors absence and have all of the authority of the Director, including voting at the board table and participating fully in discussions and decisions. In 2012, as a result of the Regional District Task Force recommendations, the Local Government Act was amended to require that Electoral Area Directors appoint an alternate within 60 days of an Electoral Area Elector being elected. Further, the Local Government Act was also amended to provide the board with the authority to appoint an alternate if the Electoral Area Director failed to do so. The Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development is interested in ensuring that the regional district legislative framework works effectively and is committed to working with those in the regional district system to improve board operations. The Ministry is open to hearing about specific challenges regional districts have experienced while managing an extended absence due to illness or injury so that it can better understand the issue and determine how to address it.

Convention Decision