Funding intake addressing unsheltered homelessness

Homeless camp with trees
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A second intake of the Strengthening Communities’ Services Program, a component of the Canada-BC Safe Restart Agreement, has been announced. The program aims to address unsheltered homelessness that has been exacerbated by COVID-19 and related community impacts.

With the second intake, some changes have been made to the program and potential eligible applicants are encouraged to review the Program & Application Guide for further information. Eligible applicants include local governments (municipalities, regional districts and the Islands Trust) and Treaty First Nations in BC.

The intent of the Strengthening Communities’ Services Program is to assist eligible applicants with:

  • Improved health and safety of unsheltered homeless people living in public or private spaces, including reduced risk of COVID-19 or other disease transmission.
  • Reduced community concerns about public health and safety in neighbourhoods where unsheltered homeless populations are seeking temporary shelter and services.
  • Improved coordination among eligible applicants and health/social service providers, Indigenous organizations and others working on housing, homelessness and service provision.
  • Increased capacity of eligible applicants to work with homeless persons and Indigenous organizations towards culturally safe and trauma-informed responses.

Additional information on the application process can be found in the Program & Application Guide. The application deadline is April 22, 2022.

The funding is being administered by UBCM on behalf of the Province and the Government of Canada. For more information, contact or 250-356-2947.