Police Act Review

UBCM Executive

Whereas the Province has convened a special committee to review the Police Act, which outlines the delivery of policing services in British Columbia; And whereas the current structure excludes local representation on the special committee, despite local governments collectively spending more per year on policing services in British Columbia than any other order of government: Therefore be it resolved that the provincial government commit to thorough consultation with local governments prior to the implementation of any changes to the Police Act, including recommendations made by the Special Committee on Reforming the Police Act.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General The Ministry remains committed to responding to recent events involving police use of force against Black and Indigenous peoples and growing calls to address systemic racism in policing by taking meaningful actions to modernize policing and public safety in British Columbia. The Ministry believes the province requires an equitable, efficient, and accountable model of public safety and policing in British Columbia, with a commitment for renewed reconciliation with Black, Indigenous, and Persons of Colour and marginalized communities. It is essential that policing and public safety services in British Columbia are responsive to community needs while ensuring effective oversight and maximizing efficiencies in service delivery resulting in strengthened public trust and accountability. The Province has an ongoing commitment to consult with local government, both formally and informally, on matters that specifically affect them, and we greatly value our relationship with UBCM. We are committed to consult with local government through UBCM to solicit input on legislative and policy changes being contemplated, including any legislative amendments or reforms to the Police Act.

Convention Decision